5 Funny Ways to Initiate Sex!

Humor can be a fantastic way to initiate intimacy and create a lighthearted atmosphere. Here are five funny ways to spice things up:

  1. The Playful Accidental Text: Send your partner a "accidental" text meant for a friend, saying something like, "I can't wait to see you tonight, I've got some exciting plans in mind 😉." When they question the message, respond with a chuckle and say you were just joking – but let the playful mood linger.

  2. The Unexpected Costume: Surprise your partner by dressing up in a funny costume or roleplay outfit. Maybe you're a goofy superhero coming to "save the day" or a character from a movie or TV show you both love. The absurdity of the situation can lead to laughter, which can quickly transition into more intimate moments.

  3. The Ridiculous Compliment Battle: Engage in a friendly compliment battle where you both try to outdo each other with the most ridiculous and over-the-top compliments. As the laughter builds, gradually shift the compliments towards each other's physical attributes and appeal, creating a fun and flirtatious dynamic.

  4. Inventing Silly Code Words: Develop a secret code language that indicates when you're in the mood for intimacy. It could be something as absurd as saying "The squirrel wants a peanut butter sandwich." Sharing these phrases in everyday conversations can lead to hilarious situations where you both know what's really being hinted at.

  5. Creating a Goofy Playlist: Craft a playlist of outrageously cheesy or funny songs that you both find amusing. Dance around together, singing along to the silly lyrics. Let the laughter and dance moves lead you to a more intimate setting, where the transition from laughter to passion feels natural and exciting.

Remember that everyone's sense of humor is different, so tailor these ideas to your partner's tastes and your own dynamic as a couple. The key is to keep things light, fun, and respectful, ensuring that both you and your partner are comfortable and enjoying the experience.

Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.


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