Sexual Consent 101

Of course, asking for sexual consent is a crucial and respectful part of any intimate relationship. Here are five clear and respectful ways to ask for sexual consent:

1. The Direct Approach

Sometimes, the simplest way is the best. You can ask directly and clearly, such as saying, "Are you comfortable with this?" or "Is it okay if we take things further?"

2. The Enthusiastic Consent Check

Make it a positive and enthusiastic request. Ask something like, "Do you want to do this?" or "Are you excited about this?"

3. The Two-Step Question

This approach involves asking in two parts, making it clear that consent can be withdrawn at any point. You might say, "Is it okay if we start with [specific activity]? Are you comfortable with that?"

4. The Non-Verbal Check-In

Sometimes, body language can be a powerful communicator. You can use non-verbal cues like initiating a gentle touch and waiting for a reciprocal response or using a "yes" or "no" signal like nodding or shaking your head.

5. The Ongoing Communication

Consent is not a one-time deal. Keep the lines of communication open throughout your intimate time together. You can ask questions like, "Is this still good for you?" or "What are you in the mood for now?"

Remember that consent should be enthusiastic and ongoing. If at any point someone feels uncomfortable or withdraws their consent, it's essential to respect their boundaries and stop any activities immediately. Communication, trust, and respect are the foundations of a healthy and enjoyable intimate relationship.

Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.

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